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over head and ears中文是什么意思

用"over head and ears"造句"over head and ears"怎么读"over head and ears" in a sentence


  • 没顶地, 深深地, 完全地
  • 深陷于


  • You have been over head and ears in care for him .
  • It is evident that the major is over head and ears in love with her .
  • Don't we all know that it must be a match, that they were over head and ears in love with each other from the first moment they met ?
  • " over head and ears ; but , unless i am much mistaken , there will be a storm in that quarter .
    “简直爱得发疯了,但除非是我弄错了,在这方面他可能要遇到点麻烦了。 ”
  • Don ' t we all know that it must be a match , that they were over head and ears in love with each other from the first moment they met
    他们是天生一对- -从他们初次见面的那一刻起,他们便彼此深深相爱,难道这不是众所周知的吗?
  • I never told my love vocally ; still , if looks have language , the merest idiot might have guessed i was over head and ears : she understood me at last , and looked a return - the sweetest of all imaginable looks
  • She mounted again beside her lover , with a mute obedience characteristic of impassioned natures at times , and when they had wrapped themselves up over head and ears in the sail - cloth again , they plunged back into the now thick night
用"over head and ears"造句  
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